0 Matched Corner – HTI-Programming

Matched Corner


Your Matched Corner holds various surveys and forms for both Allies and Survivors as you get close to matching and after you are matched.

  • Ally Compatibility Survey

    Congratulations for making it this far! You are a step closer to being matched with a Survivor. To ensure your match is a success, please fill out this survey so we can learn more about you.

  • Ally Post Visit Survey

    Please submit this survey every time you visit with your matched survivor. This information will help us ensure you are developing a strong connection and provide early indicators of a successful match.

  • Survivor Compatibility Survey

    You are a step closer to being matched with an Ally! To make sure your match is a success, please fill out this survey so we can get to know you better.

  • Survivor Post Visit Survey

    Please submit this survey every time you visit with your matched Ally. This information will help us make sure you are developing a strong connection with your ally and provide  arly indicators of a successful match.

  • Safety Concern Or Dispute

    Please submit this report regarding safety concern or dispute.
